All client projects will be tailor designed after a thorough discussion of your specific needs and goals. Flexibility to work solo or as a member of your work team.
Some of the services provided address the following:
Underwriting Audits /Due Diligence Reviews
Capabilities for all lines of business including underwriting file reviews and assessment of risk selection/pricing decisions compared to underwriting and pricing guidelines.
Audits can be expanded to include assessment of capabilities to handle other unbundled responsibilities, especially relating to MGA/MGU Program Business.
Ex. – Cash, Policy Admin, Loss Control and Catastrophe Management Requirements
Underwriting and Pricing Guidelines, Authorities
Create, enhance or streamline underwriting/pricing guidance and authorities to improve alignment with corporate risk appetites,
cat/concentration guidelines as well as practical application for front line underwriters.
Risk Accumulation and Catastrophe Management
Review current risk quantification and cat management capabilities and provide recommends for improved alignment with internal risk appetites, exposure management goals and review by external regulatory organizations.
Underwriting Assignments
Provide short term underwriting support to address a specific peak period, underwriter transition period or to help implement a specific corrective action.
MGA and Reinsurance Contract Evaluations
Does your MGA/Carrier and Carrier/Reinsurer contractual arrangements include the best possible terms and conditions to protect your interests? Allow us an opportunity to review your contracts and offer suggested improvements.
Reinsurance Accounting Reconciliations
Perform analysis for cedant or reinsuring party to verify accuracy of treaty reinsurance pricing. Reconcile and clear outstanding cash balances due.
Knowledge Management
Evaluate, enhance and streamline content, as well as access to, all types of risk evaluation knowledge documents improving exposure based risk selection/pricing decisions.
Underwriting and Operational Workflow Assessments
Perform analysis of underwriting and operational workflow geared toward maximizing employee skill sets and gaining compliance and processing efficiencies.
Internal Audit Assistance
Serve as adjunct audit team member to corporate internal auditors by deploying specialized review skills to ensure a robust and comprehensive examination. Examples - underwriting, pricing, portfolio risk accumulation control, ERM components
Capital Management/Solvency Assessment Preparation
Help your Enterprise Risk Management team prepare for the new rules of internal risk assessment, management and governance.
Legal/Dispute Resolution Input
Provide objective insight and analysis for client’s legal counsel on disputed matters.
Examples - execution of responsibilities in MGA / Program Administrator or reinsurance contracts